Interact more with your favorite Creator, talk, have them follow you on Instagram, chat on Discord, like your posts, and lot more through the PERKS
Last updated
Interact more with your favorite Creator, talk, have them follow you on Instagram, chat on Discord, like your posts, and lot more through the PERKS
Last updated
Earned tokens can be exchanged for Perks. With your earned tokens you can buy exclusive benefits from your favorite creator from the Fan tokens section, These benefits can be paid using the earned tokens that you didn't claim or using the tokens already claimed, the choice is yours!
You can find the list of all the perks for sale from the Fan tokens > Perk tab.
Also, you will be able to see the specific Perks of each creator by selecting the creator from the Earn section and then selecting the Perks tab.
The first time you buy an egg you will receive a Free Perk, this perk will be available 4 days after buying your egg you will see your free Perk ready to be claimed within the Fan tokens > Perks > My Perks tab.
If you only have one SILVER EGG it will be available but it cannot be claimed until you upgrade your account by purchasing an egg.